Thursday, April 12, 2012

Week 3

April 5th,2012:
He imagined they were all in love with him. Every gesture - an offered cup of coffee, a stare lasting too long, a well fit pair of jeans - was an invitation to the heart. "If only," he thought, "there was something I could do about my weird infatuation for having sex in socks."

April 6th, 2012:
I cut down the tree for her since she couldn't bear to relive the sight of her son swinging from the branches. She called me a week later, crying and asking what to do about the massive space encroaching on the kitchen through her window.

April 7th, 2012:
A moth flew through his window and proceeded to ram against his palm, the fuzz of its body and fluttering wings brushed against the inside of his knuckles. With every caress, he drew back his hand and shuddered. Too much gentleness became such an eerie thing.

April 8th, 2012:
Jesus can rise from the dead on Easter but nothing can kill the conversation between my stepdad and his mother about pornography. Somebody mentions semen and the gravy goes sour in my mouth. I move my plate to the kids' table and sit cross-legged next to my niece. She offered me a plastic teacup of Kool-Aid and I begin to feel thankful for people like her.

April 9th, 2012:
The growth on the leg of the girl in science fiction is a perfect circle beneath her torn jeans, and I can't help but marvel at the natural geometry. It looked like a scarlet hamburger, irritated either by something from without or something within, and alien maybe, or a large sac of eggs, is pressing up through her muscle. All of this comes to mind before I realize I am not paying attention in science fiction class.

April 10th, 2012:
Death is surprising in the way it works its way into a room and stays there. The raccoon who came to know this well was belly up in the tub, its claws tangled in the window's screen mesh and its eyes wide with invitation.

April 11th, 2012:
The one good thing about the apocalypse was that nobody at Ted's job required him to come to work in a white, buttoned down long-sleeve shirt and black tie.

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